History of Journal for Legal History Studies
With the support from members and various interested parties, Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) is able to maintain its operations. Thanks for whose who rendered their great assistance in the past. To continuously promote legal history studies and to raise the academic research level, the joint board of directors/supervisors meeting decided to publish the JLHS along with Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica since 2004 (vol. 5) and make it become a bi-annually journal issued in July and December. With the new changes, the writing style, layout format, and double-blind reviewing mechanism were all reexamined. Furthermore, the contents of JLHS is classified into four major topics: Articles, Article & Replies Review, Book Review, and Prominent Legal Figure. JLHS is a open area for all interested parties to publish their research findings from domestic or abroad. All manuscripts will be reviewed at once when received and JLHS welcomes the researchers is willing to submit their research findings to us.
THCI Core Journal
As the contents of JLHS has been highly recognized by domestic and foreign researchers, now JLHS is listed in the Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) as a core journal since 2014. Those who are interested in knowing the details of THCI , please refer to the following website directly: http://www.hss.ntu.edu.tw/model.aspx?no=354.
The photo copy of the 2018 journal evaluation certificates can be seen down below (in Chinese and English) and in the attachment of this page for readers' further reference.
Scope of JLHS
Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) already issued 34 volumes since 2000 and volume 35 will be published in June, 2019. When JLHS was first published, the President Lin, Wen-Hsiung at then said these words in the preface: "Our study focus will not limited to the initiation, developing, and derivation of Chinese Legal History but will also expand to four new areas" and these four areas are:
1. Comparative study of the legal culture
2. The study of inter-disciplinary integration
3. The study of the Taiwan's legal history
4. The study of foreign legal culture and legal history
Judged from the articles published in JLHS, we are quite sure JLHS does have expanded its study to those areas identified above instead of just focusing on the Chinese legal history studies. JLHS is now a journal open to all kinds of research and studies related to legal history. Just as expected by Lin, Wen-Hsiung, it is our hope that JLHS can continuously expand its research areas and comprehensive enough to become a leading journal in the legal history studies. We also hope the JLHS can become one of the most esteemed journal that can attract researchers to publish their latest research findings and to advance the study of legal history.
Paper Submission:
While submitting your papers, please refer "Guide for Authors" (http://www.clegalhistory.org/index.php?action=contributors-notices) and "Writing Style" (http://www.clegalhistory.org/index.php?action=file-format) to ensure your the formats and reference both meet the requirements newly updated in July 2018.
Please submit your manuscript to the following addresses:
Address: Chinese Legal History Society, CLHS 11699 Taipei Post Office Box 52
Email: legal99history@gmail.com