Bibliographical Index

To make the articles easier to find, readers can search the articles published in the Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) according to authors arranged alphabetically in this webpage.   If readers intend to read the full contents of the articles, please refer to the authorized lawdata database managed by Angle publishing Co., Ltd. at:  To honor the copyright, please kindly take note that the full contents are not available in this website.  We only provide the abstracts (Chinese and English) and the first four pages for preveiw purpose.  

Author Name Category Period
Zhang, Renshan On the Function of Disputes Resolution by Clan During Qing Dynasty Articles No. 29
Zhang, Wei-Ren The Judicial Administration and Jurisprudence in Traditional China Article & Replies Review No. 9
Zhang, Yu Research on the Mechanism in Which Emissary Systems and the Late Tang Government Run theirs Judiciary Affairs Articles No. 34
Zhang, Zhongqiu; Chen, Yu New Developments in Mainland China’s Legal Historiography in 2004 Article & Replies Review No. 7
Zhao, Jing Comment on the Research on Oriental Legal History by Kingo Kobayakawa Prominent Legal Figure No. 34
Zhao, Jing Comment on the Research on Oriental Legal History by Michisaburo Miyazaki Prominent Legal Figure No. 32
Zhao, Jing Comment on the Research on Oriental Legal History by Hiroyike Chikulou Prominent Legal Figure No. 30
Zhao, Jing Review on the text-research on the Xingfa Zhi Article & Replies Review No. 29
Zhao, Jing Is It a Ritual Literature or a Chapter of the ── A Research on the Shi Ling in the Tang-Song Period Statutes? Article & Replies Review No. 22
Zhao, Lin-Feng Doer of the Legal System Modernization Process——Wang Rong Bao (1878-1933) Prominent Legal Figure No. 19
Zhao, Wei-Ni Tian-Li in the Judgements of Magistrates in Qing: Focus on the Legal Cases Connected to Women’s Chastity Articles No. 17
Zhao, Weini Mercy and Jinxu (矜恤): the Inner Logic of the Judgment of Magistrates in Qing Dynasty Articles No. 28
Zheng, Xian-Wen A research on Dunhuang Turpan Documents and Tang Codes style and discuss Japan Yanglao Statute’s prototype issues Special Edition No. 19
Zheng, Xian-Wen From Fa Jing in the Qin Period to the Nine Chapter Law Composed by Xiao He in Han Dynasty and Pong Chapter Law-A New Analysis of the Development of Qin-Han Legal System Articles No. 23
Zheng, Zhi Why is the sorcery criminal? -- on causality of Qing Dynasty sorcery criminal and its legal application Article & Replies Review No. 30
Zhou, Dong-Ping On the Effect of Buddhism on Chinese Traditional Law — Based on the Period of Emperor Wen in Sui Dynasty Article & Replies Review No. 24
Zhou, Dong-ping; Li, Qin-tong The analysis of “Zhongqizhongzui, Qingqiqingzui” in the Tangminglv Article & Replies Review No. 27
王志希 陰間觀念與神明裁判:宗教和法律文化的互動──讀康豹著Divine Justice: Religion and the Development of Chinese Legal Culture Book Review No. 19
王健 探索西方的「法言法語」--以畢利幹的《法國律例》為線索,兼論外國法的翻譯與中國法律近代化關係 Articles No. 4
王健 大陸法律史教學與研究的昨天、今天與明天 Latest Status No.3
西英昭 日本之中國近代法史研究概況 Latest Status No. 2
巫仁恕 明代的司法與社會--從明人文集中的盼牘談起 Articles No. 2
李典蓉 試論清太宗朝的《崇德會典》 Article & Replies Review No. 4
李啟成 宣統二年的法官考試 Articles No.3
李淑媛 唐宋戶絕財產繼承之分配及其歸屬 Articles No. 1
李貴連 清末民初寺廟財產權研究稿 Articles No. 2
李貴連;王志強 1902年(光緒二十八年):中國法百年祭 Articles No.3
李鎨澂 一代漢學家與中國法巨擘:約翰‧艾斯卡拉 Research Report No. 1
步德茂 司法檔案以及清代中國的法律、經濟與社會研究 Article & Replies Review No. 4
岡野誠 關於明鈔本北宋天聖令殘卷的問世 Research Report No.3