Bibliographical Index

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Author Name Category Period
Chang, Wen-Chang A Review of Chan Chun-Keung’s “Huang En Hao Dang: Another Aspect of Chinese Imperial Ruling” Book Review No. 12
Chang, Yi-Hsiang Regulations on Selling with Recourse under Qing Law and the Practice of Selling with Recourse in Qing Society Articles No. 8
Chao, Kuo-Tsai Wang Tieyal— The Leading Chinese International Law Professor Prominent Legal Figure No. 7
Chen Den-Wu; Yu Hsiao-Wen On Dept and Human Trafficking during the Northern Wei Dynasty: The Case of Fei Yangpi selling His Daughter Articles No. 9
Chen, Chang-Ning An Introduction to Wu Peilin “Civil Disputes and Legal Order in Counties in Qing Dynasty” Book Review No. 26
Chen, Chong-Fang The Promulgation of The Great Qing Code in 1743 Articles No. 29
Chen, Chong-Fang The Circulation, Reading, and Using of Xiyuan-lu in Qing Dynasty Articles No. 25
Chen, Chung-Lung From the system of annual laws calibrate in Ch’in Dynasty to discuss the meaning of the “second year” within “The second year laws” in early Han Dynasty Article & Replies Review No. 27
Chen, Den-Wu The Meaning of the Legal System for the Hell Judgment in T'ang Dynasty: a View from Tai Fu’s Kuang I Chi Articles No. 12
Chen, Den-Wu From the Writings of Hell Trial to See the Justice Bribery Phenomenon in T’ang Dynasty Articles No. 22
Chen, Den-Wu Confucianism Thought of Bai Jü Yi’s Bai-Dao Legal Precedent Articles No. 23
Chen, Den-Wu From Yin-Lü (Music) to Fa-Lü (Law) — On the Xun-zi’s On Yue (Music) and the Development of Chinese Legal Thought Articles No. 27
Chen, Den-Wu 論唐代地獄審判的法制意義--以〈佛說十王經〉為中心 Articles No.3
Chen, Den-wu “Judgment in the Hell” as Depicted in“Min-Pao Chi” Articles No. 6
Chen, Deng-Wu Qin and Han Dynasties Unearthed Legal Documents “shù rén (common person)” A Study of Legal and Social Problems in the Dunhuang Manuscript “Tang-Pan-Ji” and the Spread of “Pan” in the Tang Dynasty Articles No. 31
Chen, Deng-wu Liu Zongyuan’s Ritual-Legal Philosophy and Approach to Local Governance Articles No. 34
Chen, Hsi-Yüan The Gods in Goal: An Examination of the Deities Enshrined in Imperial Prisons of the Qing Dynasty Articles No. 33
Chen, Hui-Fen Knowledge Transition and State Innovation: Zhang Junmai’s Study on the Transformation of Representative System in Europe, 1919-1921 Article & Replies Review No. 29
Chen, Hui-Fen Choices in the Era of Change: A Study on Gong Xiangrui’s Career in the Legal System (1911-1996) Prominent Legal Figure No. 22
Chen, Hwei-Syin The Impact of Legal History Studies Conducted by Professor Dai Yen-Huei on the Legal Regime: Revisit of Research Method of Legal History Special Issue No. 14
Chen, Hwei-Syin A Norm Perspective on the Studies of Qing Legal History Article & Replies Review No. 17
Chen, Hwei-Syin The 1813 German Penal Code: The Modern Articles No. 20
Chen, Hwei-Syin The Characteristics of Traditional Chinese law: Codex, Legal Value and the Trial System in Comparative Perspective Articles No. 21
Chen, Hwei-Syin Confucianism and the Legal System in Qing Dynasty – the Legal History Point of Views Articles No. 23
Chen, Hwei-Syin 法史學的研究方法--從戴炎輝先生的相關研究談起 Special Issue No. 4
Chen, Hwei-Syin The changed and unchanged of the law and Society in Ming and Qing China – a Observation of legal Documents Articles No. 26
Chen, Hwei-Syin 北京「中國二十世紀法制史回顧與前瞻學術研討會」紀行 Latest Status No. 2
Chen, Hwei-syin Reconstructing the Empire of Law in the Qing Dynasty: Cases of Marital Adultery, Especially Shamed Women Who Committed Suicide after Attempted Rape or Sexually Harassment, in Legal Case Records of Grand Secretariat (Neige Xingke Tiben) Articles No. 5
Chen, Li Legal Specialists and Judicial Administration in Late Imperial China, 1651-1912 Articles No. 28
Chen, Li-Chun Fantasy and Myth──Writing of Law in “Xin Min Gong An” and “Ju Guan Gong An” Article & Replies Review No. 22