Bibliographical Index

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Author Name Category Period
Chou, Tong-yi An Aspect of Process of Institutionalized Education in Late Qing: Simple Literacy Schools of Constitutionalism Articles No. 34
Chu, Hong-Yuan Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution Articles No. 24
Chu, Hong-yuan Migration of the 1911 Revolution and Triple Learnings into Taiwan Article & Replies Review No. 28
Chuang, Chi-Fa The Mercy and the Punishment: the Discussion of the Thinking in the Mercy and Punishment in the Qing Dynasty by Analyzing the Archivis of the National Palace Museum Articles No. 15
Chuang, Yi-Xing From the Moment to Eternity: The Academic Theory and Era of Yang Hong-Lie Book Review No. 14
DU Jin The Discourse of “Litigious Atmosphere” in the Qing: Why Was It Recorded, and How Should It Be Interpreted?—A Review of You Chenjun’s Jusong fenyun: Qingdai de “jiansong zhi feng” huayu ji qi biaodaxing xianshi (Litigation Culture in Controversy: The Disc Book Review No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
Dai, Jianguo The Continuation and Changes of Legal Forms between the Tang and the Song Dynasties Articles No. 7
Deng, Jian-Peng How Wrongs happened in Cuo Zhan CuiNing Articles No. 17
Deng, Jian-Peng; Liu, Xiong-Tao The Difficult Position of Assumption, Standpoint and Function Approach: Rethinking Qu Tongzhu’s Research People & Book No. 23
Du, Jin The Principles and the Structure of Qing’s Legal Order: A Comment on Rights and Injustice: Collected Works on the Chinese Legal History of Terada Hiroaki Book Review No. 29
Du, Jin Unjust Verdict and Rehabilitation — The Three Arches Case of Jiangning Prefecture and Other Episodes in Chinese Legal Cultural History Articles No. 24
FANG Xiao Natural and Man-made Disaster: The Traditional Chinese Government Accountability Mechanism for Earthquake and Its Modern Reflection Articles No. 35
Fan, Zhong-Xin Chen Guyuan: A Remarkable Interpreter of the Humanism in the Traditional Chinese Legal System Prominent Legal Figure No. 9
Fan, Zhong-Xin; Gong, Xian-Zhai On Ju Zheng’s Legal Thought, the Legal System of the Republic of China and Chinese Judicial Modernization Prominent Legal Figure No. 13
Fan, Zhong-xin; He, Peng The Contributions and Characteristics of the Legal Works of Liang Qichao Prominent Legal Figure No.16
Fu, Guang-Yu Legal history and legal dogmatics: A study of german civil law Article & Replies Review No. 19
Fuhai YU The Paradigm of Micro-Perspective Analysis on Local Governance in Qing China: On Bradly W. Reed’s Zhaoya: Qingdai xianya de shuli yu chaiyi (Chinese translation for Talons and Teeth: County Clerks and Runners in the Qing Dynasty) Book Review No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
Furuse, Natsuko (Translator: Gao, Dan-Dan; Ai-Wei) The Articles in the Building and Repairs Statutes in Ancient Japan and Tang China Special Edition No.16
GUEI Chi-shun The Image of Judges in the Tang Dynasty: A Comparative Study of “Law-Abiding” and “Harsh” Judges Articles No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
Gu, Yuan Status Stake and Endorsement Request (Jiaqian): Strict Liability and Equitable Judgment in Homicide Cases Involving Mourning Apparel System in Qing Dynasty Articles No. 31
Guei, Chi-Shun Research on the Origin of the Tang Code: Statutes on Household and Marriage from Bamboo and Wooden Slip Documents Articles No. 8
Guei, Chi-Shun 唐律與現行法關於「正當防衛」規定之比較研究 Articles No. 4
Guei, Chi-Shun 唐律關於維護「社會集體安全」規範之研究 Articles No.3
Guei, Chi-Shun 五十年來台灣有關唐律研究概況 Research Report No. 1
HE Wei Afforesting the Qing Dynasty: The Property Rights and Fiscal System that Sustained the Timber Trade—On Meng Zhang’s Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market Book Review No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
HSU Yin-cheng Dominiun and Indigenous Peoples in the New World: Spanish Philosophers in the Age of Discovery Articles No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
HU Hsueh-chen The Distance between the Modern Chinese Law and Society Article & Replies Review No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
HU Xingdong Lifting the Veil on the History of the Yuan-Dynasty Board of Punishment: A Review of Chen Jiazhen’s Yuandai xingbu yanjiu (A Study of the Board of Punishment in the Yuan Dynasty) Book Review No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
HU Yizhi Jurist Zhang Yipeng’s Life, Writings, and His Judicial Practice Prominent Legal Figure No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)
HUANG Chin-tang The Coherence of “Sentiment, Rationality, and Law”: The Underlying Thinking of Judiciary Judgments in Qing-Dynasty China and Its Reflection in the Contemporary Era Article & Replies Review No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)