Bibliographical Index

To make the articles easier to find, readers can search the articles published in the Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) according to authors arranged alphabetically in this webpage.   If readers intend to read the full contents of the articles, please refer to the authorized lawdata database managed by Angle publishing Co., Ltd. at:  To honor the copyright, please kindly take note that the full contents are not available in this website.  We only provide the abstracts (Chinese and English) and the first four pages for preveiw purpose.  

Author Name Category Period
HUANG Chun-chen Whence to Redress Injustice? Types of Trial Involving a Petition for a New Finding of Fact in Qin and Early Han Article & Replies Review No. 37
HUANG Sheng-wei “Resolving Civil Disputes by Criminal Law” and the Conflict in Legal Cultures: The Phenomenon of False Property Crimes in Modern Taiwan Article & Replies Review No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)
HUANG Xiying, CHANG Chihyun The Alcock Dress Regulation and Extraterritoriality for Ethnic Chinese with British Citizenship Articles No. 37
HUNG Li-chu Institutions and Order: A Study of Local Judicial Operations in the Yuan Dynasty by Zheng Peng Book Review No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
Hafner, Arnd Helmut On「Serving Again (Fuzuo 復作)」— Rereading the Text of the Legal Reform Decree of Emperor Wen in the Han-Annals Article & Replies Review No. 24
Han, Yuh-Chieh Chinese Legal History? Taiwanese Legal History? Article & Replies Review No. 6
Heinz Mohnhaupt (Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao) Comparative Law in Mittermaier’s “Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes” (1829-1856) Article & Replies Review No. 32
Hiroaki Terada "Law" without "Rules": Another Concept Concerning Traditional Chinese Law Articles No. 12
Hiroaki Terada Another Concept Concerning Traditional Chinese Law: a Rough Sketch Article & Replies Review No. 9
Hong, Jia-Qi On the Conflicts between the Chinese and Foreign Judges in the Trials at the Mixed Court of the International Settlement in Shanghai Article & Replies Review No. 9
Hu, Zhong-Sheng Relying on the Clan to Reason and Preserve the Clan Friendship: the Resolution of Civil Disputates within the Clan — The Case of the Wang Clan’s Mutual Accusations Concerning Shop Room in Hong Village, Yi County During the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynas Article & Replies Review No. 8
Huang, Jingjia A synopsis of His Life, Contribution to the Study of Legal History, Legal Education and Judicial Development Prominent Legal Figure No. 5
Huang, Tsing-Chia A Remarkable Example of Research on the "Dan-Xin Archives": An Initial Reading of Tai Yan-Hui's "Rural Government in Taiwan During the Qing Dynasty" with Select Excerpts and Postscript Article & Replies Review No. 8
Huang, Tsing-Chia 我對法制史及實證法之探索--索談我一個甲子的台灣緣 Research Experience No. 2
Huang, Tsing-Chia 殖民地法院有關身份法判例分類選錄及評註 Articles No. 1
Huang, Yuan Sheng Human Nature, Ethical Reasoning and Legal Principle: The Past and Present of the Immunity of Mutual Concealment among Relatives Articles No. 29
Huang, Yuan-Sheng The Legal Practice of the “Principle of Integrity” of Ta-Li-Yuan Articles No.16
Huang, Yuan-Sheng The formation of Modern Legal System and Conceptions of Criminal Procedure — Judgments on Criminal Procedure of Ta-Li-Yuan in the early Republic of China Articles No. 18
Huang, Yuan-Sheng Between Explanation and Arbitrariness: A Modern Interpretation of the “analogy article” in the Tang Code Articles No. 13
Huang, Yuan-Sheng A Century of Chinese Legal Reception: a Study of Six Codes from the Perspective of History Articles No. 20
Huang, Yuan-Sheng Between Li and Xing: From Maintenance Lack to Abandonment of Lineal Ascendant Articles No. 23
Huang, Yuan-Sheng 從黃昏到黎明--台灣法律系學生對法史學教育的觀感 Code for Learning No. 4
Huang, Yuan-Sheng 中國法制史學會紀要 CLHS Report No. 1
Huang, Yuan-Sheng A Contemporary View on the "Doing What Ought Not to Be Done" statute of the T’ang Code Articles No. 5
Huang, Yuan-Sheng 九十年度中國法制史學會紀要 CLHS Report No. 2
Huang, Yuan-Sheng; Huang, Chin-Tang; Chiang, Chun-Hsiao The Heritage over the past Fifty Years: Study on the Master’s and PhD Theses of the Legal History from the Schools of Law in Taiwan Special Issue No. 14
Huang, Zheng-Jian A Comparative Study on Farrago Statutes of Tiansheng Statutes Special Edition No.16
Hung, Li-chu Law based on Local Customs: Law and Local Order under the Yuan Dynasty through the Example of Marriage Customs and Matrimonial Law Articles No. 34
JIANG Nannan Jurisprudence and Its Functions in Judicial Judgment in the Southern Song Dynasty: Focusing on Minggong Shupan Qingming Ji Articles No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
JIANG Zhaoxin Seventy Years after the New Policies Reform: Rethinking the History of Justice from Shen Jiaben to Xie Guansheng (1901-1971) Article & Replies Review No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)