Bibliographical Index

To make the articles easier to find, readers can search the articles published in the Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) according to authors arranged alphabetically in this webpage.   If readers intend to read the full contents of the articles, please refer to the authorized lawdata database managed by Angle publishing Co., Ltd. at:  To honor the copyright, please kindly take note that the full contents are not available in this website.  We only provide the abstracts (Chinese and English) and the first four pages for preveiw purpose.  

Author Name Category Period
Jian, Qiru More Dialogue between Popular Literature and Law: A Review of Xu Zhongming's Stories of Judge Bao: A Perspective for Interpreting the Legal Culture of China Book Review No. 5
Jiang, Zhao-Xin China Law “can’t See China”: Ju Zheng and Legal Reformations in 1930s Articles No. 14
Jiang, Zhao-Xin Wang Jibao and His Minguo Sifazhi Prominent Legal Figure No. 21
Jiang, Zhao-Xin Judicial Nationalists in ROC — The Constitutionalists and Xinhai Revolutionaries in Courts Article & Replies Review No. 24
Jonson Chung-Hui Wang and Legal Reform in the Republic of China: A Sociological Analysis Prominent Legal Figure No. 10
KAN Xuqiang On Chen Yaping’s The Pursuit of Rules and Order: A Study of Chongqing Merchant Organizations from the 18th to the 19th Century Book Review No. 36
KU Yi-ching Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty Articles No. 36
Kao, Chen-Huan “zuò wù” (作務) in Qin wood slips Articles No. 33
Kao, Ming-Shih Chinese World Order under Heaven and the so-called “the Law under Heaven”-the case of Sino-Northeast Asian Relationship during the Sui-Tang Dynasties Articles No. 14
Kao, Ming-Shih The Discovery of Tiansheng Statutes and its Historical Significance Special Edition No.16
Kao, Ming-Shih The Research Trend of “Historical Studies of Law” in the College of Liberal Arts in the Universities of Taiwan in the Last Fifty Years (1964-2009): As Seen in the Case of M.A and Ph.D. Theses Article & Replies Review No. 17
Kao, Ming-Shih Fairness –the Ideal of East Asian Traditional Legal System Articles No. 23
Kao, Ming-Shih A General Survey of the Study of Chinese Legal History in Taiwan’s Graduate Schools of Humanities in the Last Ten Years (1995-2004) Article & Replies Review No. 7
Kao, Ming-shih On the Collections of Legal Precedents of the Tang Dynasty Articles No. 25
Kishimoto Mio Moral Ethics, Agreements, and Subsistence: An Essay on Equitable Principles in Civil Justice during the Ming-Qing Period Articles No. 27
Ku, Yi-ching An Academic Symposium—the New Perspectives of Education and Legal Studies in East Asia Code for Learning No. 5
LEE Ju-chun The Evolution and Expansion of the Crime of Great Disrespect in the Northern Song Dynasty Articles No. 37
LI Fupeng Inventing Social Rights: The Constitutional Archives of the Weimar National Assembly Articles No. 37
LI Li-fang Building a Paper House: Analyzing the Writing Up of Qing Criminal Cases Articles No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
LI Li-fang Crime and Punishment: Analyzing the Writing Up of Criminal Cases Based on the Xingke Tiben Article & Replies Review No. 37
LI Ming The Board of Punishments in the Qing Dynasty and the Compilation of Leading Cases Article & Replies Review No. 37
LI Nigel Nien-Tsu From Grand Norm to the Code of Constitution– A Paradigm Shift of the Doctrine of the Mandate of Heaven Articles No. 35
LI Qicheng In Search of the Way: Legal Philosophy of the Classical Chinese Thinkers in Pre-Qin by Chang Wejen Book Review No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
LI Tongtong The Invention of “Employee” and Its “Subordination” and the Establishment of Labour Law in Weimar Germany Articles No. 40(May be Download with full PDF)
LI Xiaobo A Study of the Court Assize Procedure in the Ming Dynasty Articles No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)
LI Zigui On Fei-hsien Wang’s Pirates and Publishers: A Social History of Copyright in Modern China Book Review No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)
LIANG Hung-meng The Mechanism of Attribution of Accomplices and the Doctrine of “Meting Penalties According to the Grade of Mourning Clothes”: Cases in the Xing’an huilan Articles No. 39(May be Download with full PDF)
LIANG Zhipin Three Forms of the “Comparative Law” Forum No. 36
LIEN Chi-yuan Benign Affection and Imposed Seclusion: On the Construction of the Royal Prison and Long-term Imprisonment of Imperial Clansmen in the Ming Dynasty Articles No. 38(May be Download with full PDF)
LIN Kuan-chun An Analysis of the Relevance of the Shih-chi (史記) to the Reforms of Tibet Articles No. 35