Bibliographical Index

To make the articles easier to find, readers can search the articles published in the Journal for Legal History Studies (JLHS) according to authors arranged alphabetically in this webpage.   If readers intend to read the full contents of the articles, please refer to the authorized lawdata database managed by Angle publishing Co., Ltd. at:  To honor the copyright, please kindly take note that the full contents are not available in this website.  We only provide the abstracts (Chinese and English) and the first four pages for preveiw purpose.  

Author Name Category Period
Li, Li Becoming Buddhists, Committing Crimes and Making Contracts: An Initial Research on the Leagal Facts of Buddhists between the First Century and the Sixth Century Articles No. 17
Li, Li A Review of Momiyama Akira’s “The Administration of Justice in Ancient China” Book Review No. 10
Li, Li Crisis, Challenge, and Future Prospects: The Dilemma of “Marginalization” in Research on Chinese Legal History Article & Replies Review No. 8
Li, Li 睡虎地秦簡「隸臣妾」身分問題研究及評述 Articles No. 4
Li, Ming Life is dear, the tael is dearer: A Study on Displacing the Murderer in Homicide Cases in the Qing Dynasty Articles No. 29
Li, Ming Qian Narrative and Account of Justice Zheng Jiancai’s Legal Career Articles No. 25
Li, Nien-Tsu The Parent King; Any Offspring? - On the Progress and Limits of Classical Constitutionalism in Pre-Qin Confucianism (Part I) Articles No. 20
Li, Nien-Tsu The Parent King; Any Offspring? On the Progress and Limits of Classical Constitutionalism in Pre-Qin Confucianism (Part II) Articles No. 21
Li, Nien-Tsu From Obscurity to Light — Tracking Equality’s Rise in the Making of Chinese Constitutions Article & Replies Review No. 24
Li, Qi-Cheng Okada Asataro and Abolishing Analogy in Late Qing Dynasty: Discussion on the influence of the Evolutionary Theory of Law in Modern China Articles No. 22
Li, Qi-Cheng The Impeachment of the Privy Council in the Late Qing Dynasty from a Modern Constitutional Point of View Articles No. 9
Li, Qic-Heng Why Judicial Independence Has Been So Difficult in Modern China: The Example of Shen-jia-ben Article & Replies Review No. 6
Li, Xiu-Qing The Chinese Repository and Chinese Criminal Law in the Minds of Westerners of the 19th Century Article & Replies Review No. 17
Li, Xue-Mei The Formulation and Implementation of the Law regarding the Bans on the“Provision of the Labor” by the Trade Industry in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period: A focus on the Ban in the Jiangnan District Article & Replies Review No. 15
Li, Xue-Mei “Forbidden” and “Punishment” in the Ming-Qing Faith inscriptions Articles No. 27
Li, Yun-Long A new exploration of “Duanli” in the Song dynasty Article & Replies Review No. 26
Li, Zong-Yu The Great Qing Code•Criminal Law•Fights and the Imagination of Harmonious Orders: The Debt Disputes and Violence among Immigrants in Areas of Sichuan, Shanxi and Hubei in 19-Century China Articles No. 32
Liang, Hung-Meng Research on the Legal Precedents About Matrimonial Property Regimes of Ta-Li-Yuan in the Early Republic of China Articles No. 19
Lien, Chi-Yuan The Discussion on the Illegal Releasing of Prisoners in The Great Ming Code and Ming Society Articles No. 33
Lien, Chi-Yuan The Social Status and the Image of Prison Officials in the Ming Dynasty Articles No. 15
Lin, Qian The Legal Control of the Mob-gathering - Take the Case of Pettifogger Zhuang Behavior in Qing Dynasty Wuke for an Example Articles No. 12
Lin, Wen-Kai Land Legal Culture in the Qing Period: A Review on Analytic Approach and Theoretical Development Article & Replies Review No. 10
Lin, Wen-Shyong The Significance of Han Fei' s Legal Thought to Modern Legal Theories Articles No. 7
Lin, Wen-shyong 發刊詞 Articles No. 1
Lin, Wenkai The Criminal Judicial Culture during the Qing Period: a Case Study Based on Taiwan’s Criminal Judicial Archives Articles No. 25
Liu, Heng-Wen The Stigma of ‘Trickery for Official Job’: the Influence of the Abolition of the Traditional Examination System in the late-Qing Dynasty over the Legal Education of Modern China Articles No. 18
Liu, Hsin Chun 高橋芳郎著《宋--清身分法研究》 Book Review No. 4
Liu, Hsin Chun 論宋代獄訟中「情理法」的運用 Articles No.3
Liu, Hsin Chun 「宋代官箴研讀會」報導與展望 Latest Status No. 1
Liu, Hsin-Chun The Legislation of the Mudium for the Communication between the Central and the Local in the Tang Dynasty: The Discussion of the Erection of Commemorative Shrines and Steles Articles No. 15