Law History Publications

Historical Comments on Criminal Law in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

Author: Huang, Yuan Sheng
Press: Plow Club
Publication Date: 2018/03/17
Language: Traditional Chinese


Only available in Chinese.







君問何事棲溪山 門對千峰意自閑
書藏萬卷心常空 別有觀音斜陽邊

Contents Section


The history and transition of the fundamental principles of Criminal Law in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China 1

Part I   The Genealogy of the Code Compilation 47

Chapter 1 The last traditional Criminal Code of China’s imperial system ---The continuity and transition of the Current Criminal Code of the Qing Dynasty 49

Chapter 2 The antagonism between traditional laws and transplanted laws--The conflict between the traditional etiquette and the laws of the New Criminal Code of the Qing Dynasty 85

Chapter 3 Legal reception and the switching of legal languages--The legal language in the New Criminal Code of the Qing Dynasty 117

Chapter 4 The first Criminal Code of the Republic of China--The history and theory of the Provisional New Criminal Code of the first year of the Republic of China 163

Chapter 5 The work of etiquette and legal emphasis--The collection of the Revised Criminal Draft of the 4th year of the Republic of China 193

Chapter 6 New work under pressure from at home and abroad--The Second Amendment of the Criminal Code of the 7 th year of the Republic of China and its comments 221

Chapter 7 The first Criminal Code of the government of the Republic of China--The Old Criminal Code and the judicial implementation of the 17 th year of the Republic of China 253

Chapter 8 Retrospect and development--The Criminal Code of the 24th year of the Republic of China and the evolutionary process of the amendments during the past eighty years 291

Part II   Theory and Practice 331

Chapter 9 Human nature, ethical reasoning and legal principles--The traditional and present conditions of the immunity of mutual concealment among relatives 333

Chapter10 Lust, regulations and history--The historical development and tendencies of adultery between blood relatives 381

Chapter11 Lust and caution--One hundred years of vicissitudes from fornication to the decriminalization of adultery: A study on the controversy over the abrogation of the statute on fornication during the legal reception period in the late Qing Dynasty 421

Chapter12 Traditional moral human relations and foreign laws--The history, concepts, and tendencies of offences regarding the murder of elder linear blood relatives 453

Chapter13 Between etiquette and crime : From the lack of care to the abandonment of elder linear blood relatives 503

Chapter14 From a mixture of property and humans to equal rights--The brightness and darkness of the abrogation of the slave trade 545

Chapter15 The application of customs in Criminal trials --A case study of the old customs of Taiwanese aboriginals 589

Conclusion   621


A comparison table of all of the amendments of the Criminal Code of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China 625

Noun Index 631

Name Index 641
